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Monday, September 16, 2013

Updated Contact List

Hello Grads!

Dolleen has been busy collecting email addresses from all the grads. Below is an update of  the email addresses we have collected and those we are still missing. If you have any contact information for those we are missing, please pass it on to Dolleen at or myself at Even if you just have parent information, let us know. We want to try to get in contact with as many people as possible and include everyone so we can have a great celebration! There has to be some kind of reward for reaching this milestone. LOL!

And if you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know.


Selkirk 1984 Student List Email on File?           Attending? 
Last Name        

Allen Lindsay fb Y
Apolzer Caroline passed n/a -
Ballard Florence fb Y
Bell Sandra N
Bencharski Tracey fb Y
Bennett Kim fb Y Y
Bidder Bobby Y
Booth Bruce fb Y Y
Bova Blair passed n/a -
Bova Brian Y
Boyles Dean fb Y Y
Boyles Lola fb Y
Bradley Cindy fb Y Y
Brent Gina fb Y Y
Broster Barry passed n/a -
Cartwright Brent N
Cayenne Denver N
Chlopan Jeff fb Y
Christie Dolleen fb Y Y
Clark Carmon fb Y Y
Clarke Laura fb Y
Cushner Conni fb Y
Cupples Christina fb Y Y
Davies Sue fb Y
Dean Randy fb Y Y
Dejonghe Edith fb Y
Denis Sylvie fb Y Y
Desampio  Pat fb N
Docherty Keith fb Y
Donnell Kerry fb N
Douglas Pam fb Y Y
Douglas Tracey fb Y Y
Dovell Dallin fb N
Downing John fb Y
Dryla Laura fb Y Y
Dunn Roberta fb Y
Edey David fb Y Y
Egge Jan fb N N
Egge Jill fb N N
Elliot Jay fb Y
Entwisle Cathy fb Y Y
Erickson Lorne fb N
Espezel Neil fb Y
Evans Debbie fb Y
Farquhar Janet fb Y
Fettinger Jay fb N
Ferraro Nancy N
Fletcher Lori fb Y                     Y
Flyer Lonnie fb Y
Fraser Darlene N
Gagne Gary fb N
Gallenger Wendy fb N
Graves Laura fb Y
Gold Alan Y
Griffieon John n/a
Gyurkovits Donna Y
Hafstein Jay N
Hansen Craig fb Y
Hardwick Colin Y             Y
Harrison Shannon fb N
Heikkile Suzanne fb N
Henon Frederic N
Hogan Kellie Y N
Horvath Christine Y
Hughes Debbie fb N
Hunt Terry N
Irvine Cindy fb Y Y
Jarrett Troy fb Y
Jenks David N N
Joe Brian fb Y
Johnston  Melissa fb Y Y
Johnston Tina N
Johnstone Bryan fb Y
Johnstone Rob Y
Kemp (Yvonne) Chalise fb Y
Kahl Steven fb Y
Kennedy Barb fb n/a N Y
Kennedy Brenda passed n/a -
Keyes Lisa fb Y Y
Kitt Randall Y Y
Kuntz Lori fb Y
Laboucane Roger fb Y
Lamarsh Tim N
Larsen Donna fb Y
Larson Dave N
Lavalle Wayne N
LeBlanc Cindy Y N
Lundstrom Brian
Macdonald Julie N
Mackenzie Vickie fb Y Y
Maine Randy fb Y
McColl Carl fb Y
McIndoe Sheila passed n/a -
McLaughlin Korry fb Y Y
McLean Cathryn fb Y
McNiven Janet passed n/a -
McNiven Patrica Y
Miles Rhianon N
Miller Ruth N
Mummery Chris Y
Murrell Clayton fb Y
Neto Jose N
Nickerson Vicki fb Y
O'Bryan David fb N
O'Connor Keith Y
Ogden Davin fb Y
Ogilvie Debbie Y Y
O'Neil Kathleen fb Y
Oscarson David fb Y Y
Oslund Janette fb N
Park Stephen fb Y

Pelto Clayton fb Y Y
Piccioni Dean fb Y
Picton Cara fb Y Y
Poole Mike fb N
Remezoff Teddy N
Prevost Terry fb Y Y
Repp Carl fb Y Y
Rhodes Garry fb Y Y
Robison Darryl fb Y
Roe Gary fb Y
Ross Conrad N
Rowat Stuart N
Sbitney Kelly passed
Schneider Shona fb Y Y
Seymour Lloyd fb Y Y
Shepit Carolyn fb Y
Simmons Shawn N
Simon Lane fb Y Y
Sinclair Tracy fb Y Y
Sinclair Warren fb Y
Sivorot Mike fb N
Smith Laura fb Y
Smutny Alex Y
Sorensen Doris fb   Y
Sorensen John fb Y
Spencer Joan fb Y
Stanyer Danette fb Y
Stanyer Darcy fb Y
Stewart Jennifer fb Y
Stewart Ken Y
Stone Shannon fb Y
Therriault Karen fb Y
Thorrougood Mark fb Y Y
Tipper Mike fb N
Touzin Barry fb Y
Traverse Mark fb Y
Turner Robert fb Y
Valin Kevin Y
Vanoni Natalie N
Wade Brenda N
Wagar Nora fb Y Y
Walker David fb Y
Ward Ben fb Y
Wilson Todd Y Y
Woodward Rob fb Y Y
Wyka Bryn fb Y
Zaremba Linda fb N

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